Title of Project – Billing – Character Name

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Credit info for Title of Project

Title: Name with link to movie website (not IMDB)
Role: Billing (Principal, Guest Star or…) – Character name
Director: name with link to his website or IMDB profile page
Production Company: name with link to their company website or IMDB profile page
Casting Director: name with link to website or IMDB page
IMDB: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3382770/

My acting scene(s) in Title of Project

Paragraph about me, filming, challenges, funny moments. Picanha pork chop shank spare ribs, meatloaf tail boudin beef ribs kielbasa drumstick cow.

Some fabulous blockquote about how this role changed my life.

Trailer for Title of Project

Filler from other websites/reviews/IMDB synopsis/comments. Bresaola venison alcatra meatloaf spare ribs meatball buffalo drumstick sirloin tri-tip short loin boudin ham hock kielbasa swine.

Behind the Scenes images from Title of Project (in Gallery)

Shankle corned beef t-bone chicken. Landjaeger doner pancetta t-bone ham hock tail capicola, boudin leberkas.


Wikipedia, Official website and YouTube synopsis.

Thank Yous

Thank you to Director/Writer/Editor Avery O Williams for molding my performance and giving me such great words to say and actions to do. Thank you to Cinematographer Mitch Ebert for making me look good. Thank you to Casting Department Kim Flowers, Michelle Payne and Valencia Wilson for casting me in this role. Thank you to Producers Hope Demps, Monica Ford, Cameron H Miller, Sharon Tomlinson and Tiffany Tyler for gathering all the money for this project. Thank you to Makeup Department Kendra Hill and Kimberly Hill for blotting all the shine off my nose and forehead. Thank you to Austreberto Hernandez and Sean Jackson for the additional direction. Thank you to Sound Department Angel Mendoza, Brent Mukai and Issac C Sida for capturing my voice. Thank you to Camera and Electrical Department Estefany Gonzalez, Med Jast, Kris Mayeshiro and Alberto Triana for working so hard to capture my performance. Thank you to Unit Production Manager Aleshia Cowser and PAs Randee Clayton, Gary Harris II, Jesus Hernandez, Cristian Jimenez, Jason Torres, Sharon Wolthers for keeping the train on the tracks.

I look forward to working with you all again SOON!

For more examples of my acting, clicking here.

My Social Media links are at the bottom of every page.

From this website you can download Pictures, Headshots, Character and Body Shots, Behind the Scenes photos.

On the Resume‘ page, you can see some of the shows I’ve worked on.

On the Video page, are many reels from the various Film, TV, New Media, Industrial, and Theatre shows I have worked on. Many people call themselves an “actor”, but here you can actually see my work.

I have worked as a Bartender for longer than I want to admit. I can teach you how to make a proper Martini.

Of course, you will want to Contact me after watching all my video and reading this fabulous content.

There are many other Chris Rogers on IMDB, but I own the SAG-AFTRA name Chris Rogers. I tried to reserve the website name ChrisRogers dot com, but can’t because a writer in Texas owns that url.

Author: Chris Rogers

SAG-AFTRA Actor, WordPress Presenter, Public Speaker, Coach, Emcee & Host

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