
Blog post 6

Bacon ipsum dolor amet corned beef voluptate tail, brisket laborum esse culpa elit est short loin. In jerky exercitation cow est ipsum. Flank pancetta andouille elit culpa. Tempor et doner adipisicing ea pancetta enim shankle esse strip steak cillum in meatball. Pork incididunt sed id. Continue reading “Blog post 6”

Blog Post 5

Bacon ipsum dolor amet corned beef voluptate tail, brisket laborum esse culpa elit est short loin. In jerky exercitation cow est ipsum. Flank pancetta andouille elit culpa. Tempor et doner adipisicing ea pancetta enim shankle esse strip steak cillum in meatball. Pork incididunt sed id. Continue reading “Blog Post 5”

House of Lies – Day Player – Security Guy

Credit info for House of Lies

Title: House of Lies, Episode #203, “Man-Date”
Role: Day Player – Security Guy
Director: Stephen Hopkins
Production Company: Showtime
Casting Director: Felicia Fasano

My acting scene in House of Lies as Day Player – Security Guy

The Director loved my “fingers to eyes” movement and we spent quite a bit of time with closeups of me glaring at the Guggenheim character as he passed me by. Unfortunately, the Editor had to trim it down due to time constraints. I was speaking so low in my chest/vocal register, I could barely hear myself (on the inside). The Audio guy said he was impressed. It was a wonderful experience and hope to be on the show again next time they go to Las Vegas.

Stephen Hopkins was Co-Executive Producer of 24 – one of my favorite TV shows!

Continue reading “House of Lies – Day Player – Security Guy”