My Thoughts on the 2024 SAG Awards

My Thoughts on the Nashville Local 2024 SAG Awards Viewing Party Featured Image2

I am the Co-Chair of the 2024 SAG Awards Viewing Party for the Nashville Local. By all accounts, we had a fantastic time! The event was hosted at the gorgeous Country Music Association building in their Special Events room. Many local branches have a Viewing Party for the 30th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards to cheer on the Nominees together.

Just under 100 RSVPs with 68 in attendance.

It is so refreshing to be around positive people in The Business. No ego or badmouthing at the party. Just a bunch of goofy actors watching an Awards show. We are cheering on the Winners – and consoling the “Not” Winners. πŸ˜‰

Event Photos

Below are some photos from the event. Why weren’t you here with your union brothers and sisters? πŸ˜‰

  • 3Cs and Chris
  • from front door
  • photo opp
  • 3Cs at Welcome table
  • name badge
  • bar
  • food table
  • fruit, cheese, & crackers app
  • dessert
  • entire room
  • entire room 2
  • back of room
  • from AV dept
  • AV dept
  • grading ballots
  • 3Cs at podium for raffle
  • so many balloons!
  • 2024 SAG Awards Viewing Party Committee


The committe assembled 10 bags filled with swag to be given away.



I liked the new Streaming format for the show. It was one long continuous show, not broken up by commercials. You also didn’t have to wait for people to take a break and then find their seat again, so we didn’t waste a lot of time.

This year, the Awards show was livestreamed ONLY on Netflix on Sunday, February 26, 2024 at 8 p.m. ET / 5 p.m. PT. This is signficant. For the past several years, the show was broadcast on TNT and TBS.

30th SAG Awards promo ad


Because Netflix will be Netflix, I doubt they will ever tell us the viewership.

Contract Negotiations

I’m concerned how the broadcast will affect our contract negotiations with them.

Red Carpet

I don’t normally like the fashion aspect since it is the complete opposite of what the acting process is about. However, the attendees looked dressed up for Business/an important evening, not like they had just rolled out of bed. I did like all the small talk with the Nominees.


I don’t know why, but everyone seems to be obsessed with cursing during their Acceptance speech. I guess they think it makes them look cool, but we all graduated high school a few years ago. It cheapens the event/award if you continually drop the F bomb and makes you look unclassy.

Watch the 30th Annual SAG Awards Show

Since Mr Netflix was the only provider of the show, it is highly unlikely we will ever be able to see it online. However, here is a highlights reel.

I didn’t like the banter between winners and the guy conducting interviews. It went on WAY too long and he was not a good interviewer. I’m guessing they wanted to give Viewers bio breaks?

Screen Actors Guild Lifetime Achievement Award

The legendary actor, singer, producer, writer, and director Barbra Streisand has been named the 59th recipient of SAG-AFTRA’s highest tribute: the SAG Life Achievement Award for career achievements and humanitarian accomplishments. Totally love/respect her, but it went on way too long.
“Hello, gorgeous.”
SAG-AFTRA Lifetime Achievement Award

Scorecard for the 2024 SAG Award Nominees

Mr SAG Awards put together this groovy Scorecard to help you vote on each Category. I like how you can differentiate between who you voted for and who won.

How I Voted

Below is my 2024 SAG Awards Voting Ballot. I was pleased to pick so many winners.

My 2024 SAG Awards FYC Screener Grid

This was made for you to downloaded, print and write on to keep track of all the nominees. The FYC page link is also at the bottom of the Screener Grid I created.

SAG Awards Digital Special Issue

The SAG Awards Digital Special Issue 2024 has lots of background interviews and behind the scenes stories.

Reviews of Nominees

Be sure to read my reviews of other 30th Annual SAG Awards nominees by clicking on the Category 2024 SAG Awards.

SAG Awards Social Media Profiles

Be sure to follow the SAG Awards on social media sites.




In your posts, they also like you to use the hashtag #SAGAWARDS. I usually add #awards #union #actor.

My Acting Clips

If you would like to see examples of my acting, click on the Reels page. In the Sidebar, click on what type/Category you would like to see. EG: Film, TV, yada.

My Backstory with the SAG Awards

At the 2010 SAG-AFTRA Nevada Local Fall General Membership Meeting, I proposed that we should get together and watch the Award show somewhere. We see each other on set, but it is not the same as hanging out and talking over a beer. Then I realized, Christmas is only a month or 2 earlier, so why don’t we also have a Mixer? We could plan both parties at the same time and this would give us more bargaining power. The Mixer was open to the General Public and we used it as Member Outreach. The Awards show was for the union member plus one guest. I proposed it is more of a VIP/schmoozing vehicle with the Franchised Agents, Casting Directors, other Union heads, and Government types. The Council thought that was a great idea so I was appointed Chair to spearhead those 2 Events – and they were wildly successful.


800+ attendees at the Mixer and 100 at the SAG Awards Viewing Party!

In Memoriam

In 2019, I created this loop to honor all those who had passed away in the Local. Unfortunately, I don’t have any pix/video from the 2010 SAG Awards Viewing Party.

Holiday Mixer 2013 Video Projection Loop

Below is the very last video loop I created that played on all the screens around the bar and on the big 8′ main screen.

Thank You

Thank you to Mr SAG Awards, the SAG Awards Committee, Mr SAG-AFTRA, Mr Netflix, and Mr CMA for ALL your hard work in making the 2023 SAG Awards a success. Golf clap for all!

Your Thoughts?

What did you think of the 2024 SAG Awards? Please comment below.

Author: Chris Rogers

SAG-AFTRA Actor, WordPress Presenter, Public Speaker, Coach, Emcee & Host

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