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Martini recipe by
Chris Rogers The Actor



swordthrougholive  1-3/4 oz Vodka (the best you can afford. I prefer Stoli.)
swordthrougholive 1/8 oz Dry Vermouth
swordthrougholive Traditionally garnished w/green olives, but I LOVE Blue Cheese Stuffed Olives.


  1. Chill a scrupulously clean martini glass by filling with ice and water and set aside.
  2. Fill a shaker tin with ice.
  3. Add vermouth first and then vodka.
  4. Cap tin with mixing glass.
  5. Shake vigorously (to break off little shards of ice).
  6. Dump ice and water from martini glass.
  7. Strain liquor mixture into your properly chilled martini glass.
  8. Garnish with olives and SWING!  😉

Popular variations

  1. “Dirty” Martini: means to add olive juice in Step #3 (with the vodka and vermouth. This is how I prefer it.)
  2. Cosmopolitan: Prepare as above with equal parts of Vodka, Triple Sec, Lime Juice and JUST A SPLASH of Cranberry Juice. (It should just blush, like a young school girl)
  3. Gin Martini: Prepare as above, substituting Gin for Vodka.
  4. For more variations, try the Webtender website.


They were originally made with gin, although no one is sure when the drink was invented. In the early 60’s, vodka became a popular variation which has persisted until today. Their drinkers are very particular about how their little slice of heaven is prepared. As such, it is the most frequently returned drink. Due to their high alcohol content, this is a costly mistake.*

Most are prepared “straight-up” (such as above), but can be served “on-the-rocks” (on ice). The term, “dry” means with just a dash of vermouth. “Perfect” means a dash each of Sweet and Dry Vermouth.

H. L. Mencken called the them “the only American invention as perfect as the sonnet” and E. B. White called it “the elixir of quietude”. The fictional spy James Bond sometimes asked for his vodka martinis to be “shaken, not stirred,” following Harry Craddock‘s The Savoy Cocktail Book (1930), which prescribes shaking for all their recipes.

*In all my years of bartending, I’ve only had 2 returned.

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